Wednesday, January 28, 2015


So here I am. I have written a few logs before on various things in my life for the simple fact I love to write. But this time I am here purposely. I have begun and continue on a new journey in my life each day I wake up. I am a nurse but now I am also a BeachBody coach. How did that happen?? lol  Life and all its greatness and bullshit is how. Our roads may all go in different directions, cross paths at unexpected times enduring good and bad but I think we all have the same needs, wants and goals in the end.

I could start this blog from day one of my life with the true story of my abusive biological father pointing a shotgun to my newborn head threatening my then 16 year old mother in order to keep her or I could go on about my teenage years of being poor (church pantry for food poor) and feeling bad about myself because my biological father signed me away when I was a baby or I could tell you about my group home experiences, homeless shelters or domestic violence BUT we have plenty of time for my traumatic experiences. Id rather start with where I am right!

I am 38. A singe mother of 3. I have a granddaughter...yes I am a grandmother(nanny to be exact).
I am a pediatric LPN fully employed with a great kid and his family. I am an Independent BeachBody coach. I have friends. I am not homeless. I once suffered from daily pain from Fibromyalgia, spinal stenosis and arthritis but DO NOT any longer. I have a new awareness of  foods I put into my body and have lost 21 pounds this year. Those things sound so much better to speak of, don't they?

I will TRY to make my blogs about where I am not only where I have been. I am human, however so I cant promise I wont have cranky woes me days!  We can not get the positives without having been through something negative.

I will not drag on in this first blog but I will say that I am finding happiness, health and financial freedom in ways I didn't even think to try. I have forgiven myself of my faults, mistakes and failures. I am learning each day to believe n myself as I do in others. I hope you not only follow me on my journey but become part of it and realize the amazement in your own!

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